According to date from the General Administration of Customs on June.10.China exported 5.743 million tons of steel in May 2019,a decrease of 583000 from the previous month,down 16.5% year-on -year.from January to May,China exported 29.093 million tons of steel,dwn 18,000 tns rom the previous month,down 13.1% year-on -year.From January to May,China imported 4.878 million tons of steel,down 13.45 year-on- year.
China imported 83.753million tons of iron ore and its concentrates,an increase of 2.891 million tons from the previous moth,down 11.0% yer-n-year.China imported total of 422.916 million tons of iron ore and concentrate,down 5.2 yer-on-year.
China exported 37000 tons of coke,an increase of 29700 tons from January to Ma,Chian exported 3.64 million tosof coke,down 9.7% year-on-year.